Add something
Give more money, people, equipment, or stuff
Lack of resources
More teachers in schools, more money for fire department
Take something away
Remove source of problem
One thing or person causing problem
Fire bad teachers, get rid of poor textbooks
Give information about the problem and solution
People don't know what to do
Say No to Drugs campaign
Make laws or rules
Create a new law or rule, or reform existing rules
Current rules don't solve problem
School dress code revised to require uniforms
Enforce laws or rules
Provide a way to enforce or else provide more resources (like more police or money for regulators) to enforce existing rules or laws
Current rules are adequate but aren't enforced
School calls parents if students don't adhere to dress code
Change method or procedure
Change the way something is done or organized
Something isn't being done the right way
Change meeting time from Tuesday morning to Saturday to get more people to come
Use advertising or emotional appeals to get people to do or not do something
People know what they should do, but don't do it
Anti-smoking ads
Build something new
Give new facilities or organization
More buildings or a new organization is needed because nothing currently existing will solve problem
Build a new football stadium to encourage fan support
Work out a compromise
Get opposing sides together to work out a mutual agreement
Problem is mostly lack of agreement
Trade agreement talks between countries
Adapt a solution that works
Take a solution that worked somewhere else and apply it to this problem
Current solution does not fit problem
Adding taxes on cigarettes decreases smoking, so put a tax on unhealthy snack foods
Change leadership
Get rid of current leadership and put someone new in charge
Leader is the problem
Fire college football coach
Change attitudes
Present information or incentives to change the way people feel about situation
Attitudes are causing problem
Parents give children money to do chores